Hard Root Plants
Lantana camara
Rs.149 Rs.345
Lavender (Lavandula)
Rs.249 Rs.325
Rs.299 Rs.455
Madhumalti Dwarf-Rangoon Creeper
Rs.180 Rs.425
Rs.199 Rs.465
Money Plant Green
Rs.130 Rs.395
Money Plant Marble Prince
Rs.160 Rs.250
Money Plant Marble Queen
Rs.180 Rs.385
Money Plant Scindapsus
Rs.149 Rs.395
Money Plant Silk Pothos
Rs.199 Rs.395
Money Plant Variegated
Rs.190 Rs.355
Monstera adansonii (Swiss Cheese Vine)
Rs.249 Rs.399
Murraya Exotics
Rs.229 Rs.365
Nerium Dwarf Red
Rs.170 Rs.435
Nerium Dwarf White
Rs.170 Rs.465
Rs.249 Rs.495
Rs.1,199 Rs.1,899
Orchid (Phalaenopsis) Single Stem
Rs.599 Rs.899
Ornamental Strawberry - Red Ruby
Rs.299 Rs.425
Pachira Aquatica
Rs.899 Rs.1,499
Pachira Twisted
Rs.599 Rs.975
Pack of 3 Air Purifier Plants for Office Desk
Rs.999 Rs.1,199
Pack of 3 Best Money Plants
Rs.899 Rs.1,199
Pack of 3 Table Top Office Desk Plants
Rs.989 Rs.1,150
Pack of 4 Air Purifying House Plants
Rs.999 Rs.1,456
Pack of 4 Best Air Purifying Plants
Rs.1,199 Rs.1,529
Pack of 4 Law Maintenance Indoor Plant for Office Desk
Rs.999 Rs.1,299
Rs.399 Rs.559
Rs.199 Rs.425
Peace Lily
Rs.249 Rs.495